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- in Religion
Hear Me Now! – Adam Liora
Books abound about the Law of Attraction, manifestation, and positive thinking, and while some of them may work they often present a very simplistic and superficial view of the subject. This book takes on the subject in a direct way, focusing on prayer as way to get what you want and need while cutting away […] More
- in Religion
God's letters: 132 Capital Letters came during a Vision in 2001 – Athanasio Celia
Source of the description: Encyclopedia “Conservapedia” (article Athanasio Celia) The publication (“God’s letters”)[68] is about a man who in 2001 recorded a vision, which contained 132 capital letters of the Greek alphabet that created a quadrangular shape 11 to 12. A study revealed that the text is readable in 115 different ways in the ancient […] More
- in Religion
Apocalypse: understanding the book of Revelation, Dr. Andrew C S Koh
The Book of Revelation is the most challenging New Testament book to understand. This is God’s message regarding future world events. This book unlocks the meaning of words, verses, symbols, and personalities in the book of Revelation. It lays out God’s overarching plan of salvation and promises for you. Practical and relevant insights will help […] More
- in Religion
Understanding Genesis 1-11, From Adam to Abraham, Dr. Andrew C S Koh
This is a Christ-centred, life-changing, Holy Spirit enabled, Expository Commentary, Daily Devotion, and Bible Study Guide, on the first book of the Bible, Genesis from chapters 1 to 11. This is an easy-to-understand, expository commentary for you to understand and apply biblical truths to contemporary life. This is a continuation of Biblical Commentaries written during […] More