
Why Can't We Get What We Want?: How To Achieve Your Goals As You Imagine Them – AbdelRahman Ibra

Dream of many things and have a great desire to achieve them. However, when you take the first step to perform any of them, you feel that hidden forces prevent you from taking even one slight movement in the way of achieving.

You should know that three forces dominate you. Three forces within you force you to behave and speak in a certain way, make you love and addicted to things, hate and reject others, and make you say and do things Unconsciously.

Those forces have the same age and strength as you. However, when you were a kid, they were weak and easy to control. That’s why you were satisfied and happy and had absolute freedom because all of these forces were working side by side under your control.

When you grow up, these forces become more muscular and impose their power over you, so you must deal with them differently.

This book has three main sections. Each section serves as a separate and complementary section simultaneously for the rest of the sections.

The first section will identify the three forces that dominate you and teach you how to deal with them so you can impose your complete authority over them and thus your entire life.

The second section is separate chapters that will teach you how to deal with your life experiences and your inner feelings like fear, anxiety, and shame and use those feelings to make you get what you want.

The third section is seven strategies and tricks that you can use to control these forces and make them support you instead of working against you, so you can live as a free human again, who has the ability to say and do what he wants in the time and place that he wants, a person who can get what wants.


  1. Know Yourself
  2. The Heart
  3. The Brain
  4. The Adaptation Center
  5. Tame Your Heart
  6. Control Your Habits
  7. Repetition
  8. Love Your Fear
  9. You Will Die Soon
  10. Education
  11. Concentrate Greatly
  12. Take Advantage of Significant Changes
  13. Once and Last
  14. Continuity
  15. Creating Challenges
  16. Tiny Pieces
  17. The Indifference

AbdulRahman Ibrahim

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Written by abdulrahman

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