
Invisible Illness: An Insiderā€™s Guide to Eliminating Overwhelm and Rediscovering the Path to Health

Need to (re)discover health and happiness without feeling overwhelmed? What if a few simple health habits could dramatically improve your wellness or the wellness of someone you love?

Award winning researcher and health advocate, Heather Hausenblas, PhD, provides her inspiring journey with an autoimmune disease, weaving together personal stories and science to shed light on how you can eliminate overwhelm and (re)discover health and happiness.

When Hausenblasā€™s son was diagnosed with Crohnā€™s disease at the age of 16 she was all-consumed with grief at the thought of her son suffering with a chronic ā€œincurableā€ disease. This began her journey into understanding this disease, healing her son, and ultimately discovering what true health means. She offers you hard-earned wisdom, science-backed solutions, and simple tips and recipes for health and happiness.

In this book, you’ll discover:

  • Simple science-based health tips
  • How to create healthy and tasty meals
  • How to move more, sleep better, and eat heathier
  • How to use journaling as a simple, inexpensive, and effective health tool
  • How to reduce stress and be more productive
  • What your poop tells you about your health
  • BONUS: 50+ anti-inflammatory recipes

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Written by hhausenblas

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